
Should there be limits to our dress freedom?

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An elderly woman repeatedly shifts uncomfortably in her seat aboard a minibus at the sight of a younger woman in front of her. She throws a few glances at the men on her right and left before resting her eyes on the bared behind of the young lady, exposing her inner bearings. She observes that the men, because of her presence, throw stolen glances at the same direction which are showing a layer of beads. Without a second thought, the older woman stretches her arm to lower the woman’s blouse further down in an effort to cover up what was meant to be hidden. Of course, the top falls short of accomplishing the mission as it is the smaller cut. Meanwhile, the viewers continue to feast on the displayed ‘goodies’. Two stops later, the young woman disembarks, but is by now uneasy from the elderly woman’s gesture. She steps down conscious of her bearings and the last thing she does is to look back at the vehicle driving off.  She cannot bear to look back at it after the blouse episode. The conversation on the bus also gets disrupted as nobody knows how to begin the topic, save for a few murmurs.  Clearly, the older woman was embarrassed and nobody dared make it any worse than it already was.

Now the question arises on how far these freedoms should go. This is just one of the instances of women exposing their inner stuff, whether on the bus or elsewhere. You find an entire behind exposed as a woman bends to purchase things at the market, beads exposed even as they stroll the streets,  half under wears greeting on lookers before they attempt to do so and in this age and era of G-strings, sometimes half bottoms are exposed in broad daylight anywhere women deem fit to wear. Talk about the modern day of cleavages. Bosoms are left popping out beckoning at strangers with little regard to people’s reactions. The instances are many and one cannot help, but question the rationale of exposed delicates. Don’t these low cut pants have proper ways of wearing without being offensive. Don’t some of these outfits have their occasions?

I believe that freedom of dressing best lies within the individual intending to parade in a particular wear. But I also believe that those desiring such vogues should consider those around them such as children, the opposite sex, the old fashioned, the elderly and anybody else who may take offence by exposed flesh. Also, they should deliberately choose to uphold our traditions and culture atmost. We must never aim to offend or make demeaning statements of ourselves. We ought to consider our body structures and size before squeezing ourselves into just about anything. Everything we do or say goes beyond ourselves, definitely. So, should there be limits to our dress freedom? Yes.

That exposed butt, bosom, underwear, beads and extra large limbs may mean nothing to the doer, but think about that other woman, man, child looking from afar. Should we not care to care? We can wear whatever we want to wear in as far as the law permits, but let us do it decently. Some of the body parts and accessories are best exposed somewhere privately and beads in particular have a whole different meaning than decorative. I rest my case. n

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