National News

‘Support children with disabilities’

Sakatama Primary School head teacher Annex Miseu says the country has the capacity to achieve the aspirations spelt out in Malawi 2063 if children with disabilities have access to quality education.

He said this on Monday in Zomba when Germany-based organisation You Are Not Alone donated a wheelchair to the school’s Standard Eight learner Sheila Mitembo.

Miseu said despite walking, speaking and writing challenges, Sheila attends lessons with other learners as the school has no special needs education resources.

“Few weeks ago her wheelchair got damaged and she missed classes, thereby posing a threat to her performance in the forthcoming Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education examinations slated for May 10 to 12 2023,” he said.

Caputula (R) helps Sheila sit
on the wheelchair

Miseu also thanked the organisation for constructing disability-friendly classrooms, saying they will motivate parents and guardians who have children with disabilities.

“They also established a health post in conjunction with Pirimiti Health Centre where children with disabilities and other communities access health services,” he said.

Sheila, who aspires to be selected to Masongola Secondary School, said she wants to study nursing.

She said she was pleased to receive the wheelchair.

“I want to pursue education to become a nurse to take care of patients,”  said Sheila.

You Are Not Alone chief executive officer Stella Goldau-Caputula said they felt duty-bound to help Sheila after noting her passion for education.

She asked parents and guardians not to hide children with disabilities in houses but send them to school.

“The organisation is committed to continue supporting government’s efforts in education, health and other services,” she said.

Government is encouraging schools to construct disability-friendly structures such classrooms and toilets to motivate children with disabilities to remain in school.

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