These Freedoms

The people of US voted, celebrants erupt into joy, dancing

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.  Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. – John 13:15-17

Joy, mirth and dancing erupted globally when it was announced that former US vice-president Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris were projected winners of the 2020 US presidential elections.

The election results show that Biden amassed not only the majority of the popular vote (over 76 million people), but also acquired 279 of the electoral college votes against his competitor, incumbent President Donald Trump (71 million popular votes and 214 electoral college votes).

There are a number of  reasons to sing and shout for joy in this win. Biden’s win brings to the highest tables of US leadership the first female Vice-President Harris, an African-American, born of immigrant parents from Jamaica and India.

Four years ago, I was sick for four days when Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote, paving the way for Trump to be declared the 45th President of the US. Four years later, I have not stopped breaking into dancing since the announcement on Saturday that Biden and Harris had won.

Global celebrations included, among others, bells peeling in Paris, fireworks erupting in London and dances bursting out along streets and parks in most major cities of the world.

Through all the formal media and social media platforms, this joy manifested in an endless spontaneous stream of news articles, cartoons, memes and humorous forwards.

The election of Biden and Harris is a 76 million-strong repudiation of Trumpism, a four-year rule that has reigned terror on almost every sector of the US with extended tentacles in the global community.

In the US, it was four years of lies, using conspiracy theories, high among them that the global Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax that will miraculously go away.

This caused him to fail to act swiftly and develop a national plan for mitigating and stopping the spread of the virus.

Even before he was elected president, Trump said that the first African-American US president (Barack Obama), was illegitimate because, according to Trump, Obama was not born in the USA.

He sought to undo many achievements that were introduced during the Obama presidency, among them, the Affordable Care Act, the Clean Air and Emissions of Gas Act.

Historically he is also the first president to ever seek re-election for a seat in which he was impeached. In December 2019, articles for his impeachment were approved by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives and charges included abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Republican-controlled Senate voted against his removal from office. Trump is widely accused of being assisted to have won the 2016 elections with help from Russia. He broke from vital global agreements among them the Paris Treaty on Climate Change and he also breathed hot coal on the  National Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) allies and showed a lot of disrespect on American friends.

Around the world, Trump moved away and alienated the US from its traditional allies and instead admired global dictators. He warmed up to and embraced the once enemies of America, among them, Russia and North Korea.

He denigrated African countries as “shitholes,” called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, separating over 600 children from their parents as they sought asylum in the US.

As the count continues, Biden lead is widening as Trump and his allies hang on to recounting of votes, court cases and intimidation tactics.

He has also promised to hold rallies to show voter fraud and how the Biden side is attempting to steal his win.

But American democracy won big. For the second time, they have elected a catholic and for the first time, they have elected a woman who is also a person of colour and daughter of immigrant parents.

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