
Vega Media reflects on Toptik new bailout

Music sensation Toptik recently found himself at the centre of a high-money contract controversy. The artist was required to pay his former management team London Entertainment K3 million to walk out on the deal. But luck smiled at him as another label Vega Media stepped in to pay the fee on his behalf. Our staff writer PROMISE WATAYA caught up with Vega Media chief executive officer Wycliff Kandinga to explain reasons behind their coming in.

Kandinga: We hope his talent will bring back the money


: What prompted Vega to step in and pay Toptik’s K3 million debt to London Entertainment?


: We thought that paying off the debt could be a strategic move to avoid legal disputes and clear outstanding obligations that could affect current or future business relationships.


: Did Vega consider the debt a worthwhile investment in Toptik’s future with the label?


: Yes, Toptik is worth more than the 3 million kwacha we paid, we really hope that his talent will bring back the money very soon, that is why we did not hesitate to pay them off.


: How does Vega plan to support Toptik’s career moving forward?


: We have put the strategy and a long-term plan that will uplift Toptik to where he can’t imagine that he could reach. Toptik will be sponsored with sufficient resources that will make his career reach the unimaginable peak.


: Were there any concerns about taking on Toptik’s debt, and how did you mitigate those risks?


: We had no concern over that, because we know that the money we paid off for him is nothing compared to his talent.


: How does this move reflect Vega’s values and approach to artist management?


: This move portrays integrity and trustworthiness Vega Media has by honouring financial obligations to Toptik’s old label. We really believe that this has built confidence in our artist because Vega Media has shown that it respects contractual agreements and values fairness in business dealings.


: What are the short-term and long-term goals for Toptik now that the debt has been settled?


: Vega Media is ready to enhance immediate promotion and exposure for Toptik which include securing airplays on radio stations and TVs, playlist placements on streaming platforms and coverage in media outlets whilst building his fanbase both locally and internationally. On the long-term basis, we will nurture Toptik for the global reach out as well as attaining nominations and securing the awards in his career combined with multiple release of albums and EPs.


: How does Vega plan to ensure a smooth transition for Toptik from London Entertainment to Vega?


: We really believe that communication is vital, hence we will ensure that there must be a maintained open and transparent communication with our artist. Every step will be considered such as discussing our concerns and ensure thorough understanding of any activity plan before it is implemented.


: Are there any upcoming projects or releases that fans can look forward to from Toptik under Vega?


: We have decided to release at least enough songs for Toptik before this year ends as that will help us to sell him better on the market, because we understand there is a stiff competition in the music industry. Ndatopa single was just the beginning of his journey as he is expected to release another hit next month.

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