WFP commits to tackling hunger, poverty
The World Food Programme (WFP) has stressed its commitment to help Malawi to fight hunger and poverty sustainably.
The United Nations agency’s Southern Africa director Menghestab Haile said this on Tuesday in Phalombe District during a visit to their Integrated Resilience Programme sites being implemented in partnership with World Vision Malawi with funds from USAID.
He said the interventions are designed to save and change lives.
“We support the government’s priorities to improve people’s lives. Beneficiaries are restoring degraded land, and improving crop production for their food and nutrition security. We are also reducing hunger through a school-feeding program,” said Haile.
He commended communities for embracing the interventions under the program.
WFP country director Paul Turnbull said the initiatives provide evidence-based technologies that promote people’s adaptation to climate change.
Felix Scot, a beneficiary from Mkhumba Village in Traditional Authority Mkhumba, commended the program for building their resilience to the effects of climate change.
“We constructed deep trenches, check dams, and planted trees on hill slopes to check run-off,” he said.
Mwanazanga Primary School head teacher Master Subiri said the feeding program has motivated children to attend classes.