National News

World Vision promotes literacy in Karonga, Chitipa

World Vision Malawi and Healthwise Organisation have teamed up to promote literacy among primary school learners in Karonga and Chitipa districts.

Speaking on Tuesday at the end of a quiz in Mlare, Karonga, World Vision Malawi programmes manager for Karonga and Chitipa Hendrix Kalanje said the competition will improve reading culture among learners.

“Quiz competitions grant learners an opportunity to acquire literacy skills at a young age, stimulate learners to work hard, instill team working spirit and build confidence. It also helps teachers to know areas that need improvement when they go back to their respective schools,” he said.

Last week, another quiz competition was held in Kameme Area Programme in Chitipa District.

Learners captured during the competition

On his part, Healthwise Organisation project coordinator Innocent Uladi said they partnered World Vision Malawi to promote reading and numerical skills among primary school learners.

“We are contributing to Malawi 2063 development agenda enabler number five which talks about human capital development. So, by supporting this quiz competition, we are sure that we are shaping productive citizens,” he said.

Batamiwe Mwalwanda, Chiwondo Zone primary education adviser in Karonga, hailed Healthwise and World Vision Malawi for organising the competition.

In Lupembe-Mlare Area Programme in Karonga, four schools out of 11 qualified for the semifinals while in Kameme Area Programme in Chitipa, three schools out of seven made it into semifinals which will take place next school term.

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