National News

Youths commit to sustain reproductive health project

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Thunduti Youth Network chairperson Chrissy Mzomera Ngwira has assured that youths in Senior Chief Wasambo in Karonga District will continue to implement outreach clinics and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness campaigns.

She said this on Saturday at Thunduti Primary School during an outreach clinic under Wanangwa Wane project Pamoza Tingakwaniska Youth Organisation (PTYO) was implementing in Chitipa and Karonga districts.

“We are saddened to note that today PTYO is phasing out their project in the area. However, the good thing is that they empowered us with skills and knowledge that we will use to continue implementing SRH interventions,” said Ngwira.

Mhango: The youth will sustain the goals

Speaking on behalf of Senior Chief Wasambo, the Reverend Harry Mhango expressed hope that the youth will sustain the project’s goals.

In an interview, Karonga District Hospital mental health clinician Martin Banda said the departure of PTYO will leave a gap as the organisation was complementing Karonga District Council’s efforts in reaching out to the youth in hard-to-reach areas with SRH services.

“The council fails to reach out in hard-to-reach areas with SRH services due to financial constraints. So, partners such as PTYO come to bridge existing gaps, which means their departure is a big blow to us,” he said.

PTYO media officer Emmanuel Moyo said they reached out to 10 000 youths with SRH messages.

He said at least 5 000 youths accessed family planning services through the organisation’s outreach clinics.

“We have reached out to many youths with family planning services and awareness campaigns,” said Moyo.

The organisation also provided family planning services to the youth.

With financial support from Breuckmann Foundation and German Government Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Development, PTYO was implementing a one-year outreach clinic services in Chitipa and Karonga districts.

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