
23 years old, with small breasts

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Question: I am 23 years old but I have small breasts and can’t even wear a bra. My 12 year-old sister has breasts that are bigger than mine. Is something wrong with me? What causes small breast size in women? Please help!

Answer: According to, some of the causes of small breasts are;

Genetic causes

Breast hypoplasia, which is the underdevelopment of the breast, may occur due to familial or genetic causes, without being linked to any pathological cause.

Genetic body fat distribution

Turner’s syndrome (ovarian agenesis) is a medical disorder that affects about 1 in every 2500 girls. It is a genetic condition in which a female does not have the usual pair of two X chromosomes. Besides other symptoms, there may be lack of breast development at the expected age, usually by age 13.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Hormonal Causes

Delayed menarche (first period).

Hormone irregularities as a result of gynaecological disorders that may also cause a range of menstrual symptoms like irregular menses and heavy periods.

Shrinking of the breast tissue during menopause as a result of decreasing estrogen levels can cause a decrease in breast size.

Other causes


Family history

Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia or severe dieting

Severe weight loss

Facts about small breasts

They do not hinder breastfeeding in any way.

Milk production is not hampered by small breasts.

There is no relation between breast size and the development of breast cancer.

On increasing breast size

Creams and lotions cannot increase breast size.

Herbs and supplements are not effective either.

Improving nutrition may help, especially where there is severe under-nutrition.

Exercise does not increase breast size though some exercises may develop the pectoral muscles beneath the breasts.

Using padded bras may boost one’s self confidence.

Being comfortable with one’s body and accepting that small breasts are beautiful can be a better way of restoring one’s self-image.

Hormone supplementation like oral estrogen therapy may help in some cases where small or underdeveloped breasts may have a hormonal cause, such as in delayed menarche.

Breast enhancement by means of breast implants is the only reliable method to increase breast size. Many women undergo this surgical procedure without considering the dangers and possible long term complications of breast augmentation.

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