The Big Interview

Pastor Yumani and Dines Jere

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Pastor Yumani and Dines Jere
Pastor Yumani and Dines Jere

Every marriage has ups and downs. But not every couple put up with them for long. Pastor Yumani and Dines Jere of Assemblies of God have just celebrated their 60 years of marriage. The Salima-based couple says they feel like it’s only been a week since they were married. While taking turns when talking, they share their story with our correspondent TITUS LINZIE.


Tell us more about the two of you.

I am Yumani Jere and I was born on February 28 1934 while my wife is Dines January. She was born on November 12 1938. I went up to the old Standard Four but proceeded to do theological studies while my wife did up to Standard Three.


How many children do you have?

We had five children. Unfortunately three passed away. Our oldest died at 47 while the youngest is 39 years old. We are proud grandparents of 22 grandchildren.


How do you earn your living?

Apart from our children that tirelessly support us, we earn our living through farming. We are full-time farmers.


How did you meet?

We were staying in the same village. After sometime we started looking at each other differently. That’s when we realised that we were attracted to each other (explains the husband while laughing). We got married on November 12 1953.


What was your first impression of this man?

(She giggles) When I first set my eyes on him, I thought he was a fine young man. I told myself that I have seen the right man.


But what exactly attracted you to each other?

I was attracted to his energetic stature. (He chips in) I was attracted to her beauty and her good behaviourial background.


What have you achieved together?

We have educated and raised our children in a Christian way. One of them is even studying theology.


Aren’t you bored having stayed together for about 60 years?

We made vows at church in God’s and people’s presences that we will stay together till death do us apart. For that reason, we have never become bored and we just feel like we are only one week old in marriage.


What is it that you still like about each other?

The man likes his wife for her care while the woman likes her man because of his God fearing status.


What challenges have you met in your marriage life?

The death of our three children (within two months) remains the most painful moment. But we dedicated the situation to God and that has seen us sailing through.


How do you resolve differences between the two of you?

We have never involved marriage counsellors in our marriage. We have had lots of differences just like every couple. But we sit down and talk over the matter between ourselves until it is resolved.


How do you define gender roles?

Our definition of gender roles is doing things together regardless of the sex of either of us. It is going to the field to farm together as a family and making sure that at the end of the farming season, we have brought home abundant food.


What do you think about modern marriages?

Most of them are too childish and useless. They are founded on convenience. There is less love between the two. But there is a lot of love for material things.


What do you want modern couples to learn from you?

Relying on God is the only step in which everything is being made possible. With Him you achieve a lot and easily solve the problems you face in your relationship with each other and with the rest of the family members.


Do you have plans and what are they?

Mmh, even if we can have such plans, we cannot achieve them. Time is gone (he says while laughing).


What do you do in your free time?

I like reading the Bible and other books (he says). I like spending time with the youths while advising them on the different real-life situations that they are expected to meet (she says).


How do you handle the myth that couples of your age are supposed to sleep in separate beds or rooms for fear of bearing a mbulu (lizard)?

(They both laugh before he answers). We are a God-fearing couple my son. That belief is for non-believers. Such a myth cannot be part and parcel of our heaven-originating marriage.

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