Rise and Shine

Build your Vision 2020

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Today we start a new year 2015. By the end of five years, we will be hitting the year 2020. Do you remember in the early to mid 1990s when we had this big project for Malawi called Malawi Vision 2020? Whatever happened to Malawi Vision 2020? But you and I can now build our own personal vision 2020! Let us make a five year personal success strategy and call it My Vision 2020!

So where do you want to see yourself in the year 2020? What do you want to achieve by 2020? What do you want to be associated with in 2020? What do you want your legacy to be like in 2020? These are some of the important questions that you and I need to ask ourselves as we start this important new year 2015. It is people who sincerely and seriously think about and answer these important questions that will really stand out in the year 2020.

Do not expect to achieve magic or big things by accident or chance. Big achievements never come by accident. Even luck favours those who plan well and work hard. Therefore, if you believe in luck, maximise your luck and chance by planning better and working very hard. By building your Vision 2020, you will be right on the correct path to big success by 2020!

The advantage of planning for five years is that you end up achieving really big things that are meaningful and sustainable over a period of five years unlike the scenario where you only have annual resolutions which do not really stand the test of time and which rarely go beyond 12 months.

Big things cannot be achieved within just 12 months. Having annual resolutions tends to bias you towards focusing on only small tasks that can be completed and achieved within 12 months. On the other hand, with a personalised Vision 2020, you are bound to embark on and achieve really big ideas. The difference comes in because with a five year vision, you embark on projects that can run over periods longer than one year. Some of the projects would run for the whole five years, others four years, or three and even two years. This way, you have scope for doing really big things.

Additionally, having a five year plan means that you can also have projects that clearly build on preceding ones, thereby leveraging past achievements to do more. This means that with a five year plan, you do not just list five times more of small actions or resolutions that you would have listed for one year. This means that with a five year plan, you plan bigger ideas. You are looking at things like starting and completing construction of a house or starting a business venture, or starting and completing a degree course or gaining one or two job promotions, and so on.

Another important point to remember when making your vision 2020 plan is that the plan needs to be holistic. It should cover all the important aspects of your life including work or business, social and family, economic or financial aspects, your health and mental aspects as well as your spiritual matters. All these aspects are equally important if you are to be a truly successful person that is able to sustain his or her achievements over a long time.

Today, we have discussed the importance of making five-year long plans rather than just one year long resolutions. We have seen how we can achieve more and bigger things by making a five year plan rather than just 2015 resolutions. Take time and draw up your personal Vision 2020 Plan. All the best as you rise and shine with your Vision 2020 plan!


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