
Stop adjusting

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It’s important to be flexible and adaptable, but always adjusting unconsciously will only leave you with crumbs instead of real outcomes. Be alert and learn to strike a balance between adjusting when it’s the wise thing to do and proactively making a shift because that’s what is required. The only regular adjusting you need is to change your outlook positively in several ways. Here is how;

Don’t assume you have to adjust: When you simply adjust because it’s the nice thing to do or you feel is what is expected of you, you give up the opportunity to determine the tempo of your professional life. It’s easy to just go with “the flow’’, but stir your own nest and do what serves your stated objectives.

Go beyond convenient opportunities: All you simply do is align yourself with what comes your way without much thought to whether this is the best you can have. Don’t adjust impulsively to what comes your way because it’s convenient. Be curious and act from a place of potential not by ‘anything goes’. Step up higher and create new experiences even if you feel like you are doing okay.

Don’t be afraid to be wrong: You don’t have to try anything you fear could end up being a mistake or rock your boat. Why waste the possibility of a stronger professional life if it’s within your horizon? Don’t ignore the chance to create something fit for purpose instead of adjusting mindlessly because you don’t want to broach what might be the unknown.

Now take action: Where have you gotten too comfortable? What one thing will you do to be more proactive? n

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