Rise and Shine

Believe Your Dreams—Part III

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During the last two weeks, we have been discussing the idea that when you believe in your dreams, you make big things happen for you. We started with impressive examples of big dreamers.

Last week, we discussed five of the important reasons why you need to believe your dreams. Believing your dreams helps you to focus your mind on what you believe, gives you the fuel to take first steps, gives you inspiration, influences your thoughts positively and helps you to determine what you want to become.

Today, we will discuss how you can believe your dreams. How you can go about the business of believing your dreams!

  1. Visualise the result: Start with the ‘end’ in mind. Picture the prise you will get when you realize your dream. If your dream is to build a house, visualise the house and imagine sleeping in that beautiful house. Keep dreaming like it is real. Visualise the result of your dream. If you are an athlete who is preparing for some tough competition, imagine receiving the trophy and prizes. If you are a student and you fancy graduating with flying colours, imagine receiving your degree with pomp and decoration. At work, visualise your promotion and bonus.
  2. Protect your dream from others: Many times, dreamers are disappointed by friends and relatives. If you dream BIG, only few people will believe and support you. It is typical that many will not believe you. Many will discourage you. You should have no reason to discuss your dreams with such people. Do not waste your time with people who are always negative. Remember also that there are so many jealousy people around and even our national anthem never stops to mention this. It is real. Protect your dream from people that can stand in your way.
  3. Draw inspiration from those that have done it before. Find your role models, people you can look to for inspiration. Draw inspiration from such people. In fact, along the way as you implement your dream, you will face lots of challenges. Having in mind role models that you look to helps you to plough on when you face challenges. These are people that if you approach, they may even share with you some useful tips on how you can go about your plans. They will share with you what works and what does not work. They will advise you what to avoid doing and things to do more of. They will make good advisors for you.
  4. Behave, look and talk like it is done: As you pursue your dream, walk and talk as if the dream is a done deal. Do not have time for doubt. Failure is no option at all. This makes even the doubters to start following and supporting you. This way, you will get all the necessary support that you need. A dream without belief is empty. Therefore, you must behave like your dream is real. You must work as if you are only completing what is a known fact with predictable results. You are simply fulfilling a known plan with a known destination and outcome.
  5. Radiate confidence: You need to exude confidence. As others say, “Confidence is everything.” Radiate confidence. Even the way you walk or talk must leave people with no doubt about your amount of confidence and self-belief. People will only believe those that look confident, those that seem to know what they are doing and those who are sure of where they are going. Avoid looking like you are lost or like you have no idea about your purpose and where you are going.

In summary, as we round up the phenomenon of believing in dreams, remember that believing in your dreams is an important step towards realizing your full potential. Have big dreams and believe in them. Work with total dedication towards realizing your dreams. Identify the people you want to look to as role models and people that can help you. Work and behave as if it is a done deal and exude confidence. That way, you will rise and shine! n


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