People’s Tribunal

Living the kabanza way in times of need

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Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, the elongated lines of kabanza motorcycles at the chaotic fuel queues at service stations have really portrayed how far the economy is degenerating into the kabanza one.

Not long ago, my lord, we were talking about a Sienta nation and a Sienta way of conducting business as minibuses were gradually being replaced by Sientas.

Now that kabanza motorcycles are ruling our roads under the watch of Tokha Are Liars with most vehicles grounded because they cannot access fuel, the kabanza style has come to symbolise Tokha’s modus operandi.

In a country where the authorities, from both civil society and government, manage by impulse, the kabanza is characteristic of the politics we run and the economy we manage.

I, therefore, plan to apply to your court that you should officially declare that this country is no longer running a Sienta economy, but the kabanza one with its politics of expedience.

I have argued before that the Sientas and Kabanzas are not bad in themselves but when every Jim and Jack starts thinking Sienta and Kabanza, the result is chaos in a country where everything goes as long as it is supported by the establishment.

While the rest of the world is graduating from rickety minibuses and buses into high speed trains, drones and jets, Tokha, through its policies, is fast promoting its citizens into kabanza passengers.

At this pace, my lord, we will soon have ox-carts and wheelbarrows plying our streets.

Kabanza economics, just like the erstwhile Sienta one, is not futuristic as manifested by the chaotic manner most drivers maneuver on the roads to beat targets.

My lord, most compatriots of Lazaro and Sauli entrusted with managing some of the country’s entities are careening dangerously towards beating the target of self-enrichment before 2025.

How do you explain the chaos at Nyasaland Food Reserve Agency where truckloads of maize grow wings, yet no alarm is raised by the kabanza drivers managing the strategic grain reserve?

What about a board interfering in the operations of an entity to the point of forcing management to make decisions that are motivated by selfish reasons because they want to promote their business interests?

Sienta and Kabanza motorists don’t care about following traffic regulations and road signs in the same manner our budget is formulated without specifically answering to the Nyasaland Growth and Development Strategy.

The kabanza leaders will do everything to bend the laws, rules and regulations or standard practice to enrich themselves or their cronies.

It is an economy that answers to the demands of the mob, not the population.

Sadly, Lazaro thinks his appointees are serving his agenda when they are not. The sooner he realises that his cronies are destroying his agenda, the better.

My lord, the shortsightedness of the kabanza way of managing does not give room for introspection and that is why I am worried.

My lord, I want to once again make a passionate plea to the Tokha guys kuti muzitolere chonde.


John Citizen.

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