National News

Sex workers drilled in HIV prevention

Karonga Debate Club programmes manager Gwyneth Kaponda has urged Songwe Border-based sex workers and drug addicts to know their rights to overcome their alcohol addiction and prevent the spread of HIV and Aids.

He said this on Monday at Songwe Border in Traditional Authority (T/A) Mwakaboko in the district after a training in HIV information and prevention for 371 key populations members comprising sex workers and drug addicts.

Said Kaponda: “These players are key in the battle against HIV, alcohol and drug abuse.

Gundamapiri: Key populations important in HIV prevention

“Therefore, we decided to take the training to them so that they are equipped with vital information on their rights, preventive measures, where to report abuses and where to get medical treatment.”

Karonga District Hospital senior clinician Kepson Kamanga, who was one of the facilitators, said it was imperative to engage the key populations to enable them to know more about how HIV is transmitted and prevented through the use of condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis as well as the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction.

He said: “It is important to reach out to sex workers with information to help them make informed decisions to reduce further transmission of HIV.

“Again, there is need to eradicate stigma against sex workers so that they know that they have the right to demand condoms from their clients and get medical treatment at the hospital.”

In his presentation, Karonga District-based Behaviour Change Programme trainer Michael Gundaphiri said key populations are important in ensuring that they practise safer sex and avoid contracting or spreading HIV and Aids.

One of the participants, Doris Mshani, described the training as fruitful.

Karonga Debate Club is implementing the project in traditional authorities Wasambo and Mwakaboko with funding from United States of America-based Gilead Services Inc to the tune of K43.5 million.

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