Gears For Careers

Become better to do better

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A new start is always an opportunity to become and act more wisely. As you start to pin down your new year commitments, may I suggest that you consider adopting the following to guide you and your career and give you a strong start in 2012.

Be an improver: There’s always room for improvement? True. There are a lot of things we do routinely without really thinking, nothing wrong with that. But it’s not a good idea to keep doing things as we always have without considering if there’s a better way. An attitude of improvement will push you to do what you do with thought, with interest and determination to make it a little better every time.

Be a solution-finder: Don’t dwell on the problem. Of course you need to understand the problem in order to find a solution; but don’t let the problem fester. In finding solutions, don’t always reinvent the wheel; find out if there are already solutions that help you and adopt them as appropriate.

Be a lifter-up: This may include, for example, choosing not to react in a volatile situation, saying a kind word when you are tempted to utter a sharp one, not passing judgement just because you can or indeed putting in a good word for someone who might not deserve it.

Be generous: Especially with what you know. I believe knowledge only becomes positive power when we share it so that others benefit from it and use it to do something useful. When you hold onto what you have, it does not grow. My advice would be; freely share knowledge and contribute skills.

Be stable: Don’t wear your emotions on your sleeve. Keep any bad moods in check. Don’t stress over every provocation and slight annoyances. Maturely handle negative feedback. Don’t react when others try to rub their frustrations on you. This is probably tough to do but well worth the effort.

Now take action: What good lessons from 2011 will you take into 2012?

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