
To great mothers

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Someone once wrote that the minute a child is born, so is a mother. For most women though, the moment one is aware of a life growing within them, the mothering instinct kicks in. If they intend to carry the pregnancy full term, they begin eating right, getting enough rest, keeping out of harm’s way, going for regular antenatal checks at the hospital and basically ensuring they do everything they can to nurture and protect that which is growing inside of them.

Recently, someone told me that mothers are closer to God and ought to be respected. They endure an uncomfortable and startling nine months as their body changes and God’s miracle unfolds within them. Following this, they endure a painful labour before bringing forth a new life into this world.

Motherhood itself has often been described as a 24-hour job carried out with so much love and tenderness, yet oftentimes unappreciated by its recipients and one whose payment is immaterial. Think about it; in the Malawian setting it is often mothers who deal with the night feeds; burping, changing and soothing their babies.

Only a mother knows her child well enough to realise that something is wrong, even without being told.

As a child grows older, even though it will love its father, it will often run to its mother when it needs to be comforted and reassured.  A mother will kiss her child’s hurt away and soothe its worries with just one smile. Her confidence and her encouragement will enable her baby to stand, walk, reach out and later on, conquer, achieve.

On top of her duties as an employee and wife, irrespective of how tired she is, a mother will ensure that  her children eat, bathe and do their homework. She will teach her children good manners.

Every morning before she starts her day and each night before she nods off to sleep, a mother will kneel down to the Lord (or the higher power she believes in) in prayer, putting her family and its needs before her own.

As a mentor, friend, teacher, student and protector; a mother is blessed with the strength and gentleness that only God can give.

As we celebrate mother’s day tomorrow, may you remember to let the mother in your life know just how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her in your life. As a new mum, this year’s mother’s day is extra special for me; I am now learning what it truly means to have a piece of your heart and soul in the physical, smiling, cooing and looking up to me. I know what it means to love someone fiercely, I would give up my life for them without a moment’s notice. I also understand the fears and worries that come with this noble job; doubts fill my head on whether I will be good enough for my daughter and whether I will be able to raise her into a strong, successful, independent woman. Most importantly, I now know just what my own mother went through to have us and appreciate her even more for it. I realise that the journey has just began and pray that God grants me the strength, wisdom and love I need to see this through.

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