
Get rid of bad breath

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Don’t let bad breath prevent you from enjoying a healthy social life, hinder your advancement chances in your career, or finding that significant partner….. Find out the causes of your bad breath and attack them with good remedy!

You will be glad to know that very effective treatment is available to eliminate bad breath.  You can use commercially available breath fresheners or mouthwashes for temporary relief.  Using anti-bacterial mouth rinses may provide you better results in controlling bad breath.  Teeth attract bacteria by containing plaque and debris. If not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, this can result in large accumulation of bacteria which result in bad breath.  Gently clean the tongue surface twice daily to help keep your tongue and teeth in good shape and health. Maintain water levels in the body by drinking several glasses of water to which lemon juice has been added each day. Lemon juice is refreshing and beneficial to your body.

Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda to 1 teaspoon of salt and sprinkle on a wet toothbrush. Brush your teeth to prevent bad breath. This works even better than many toothpastes you buy from the shops.

Brushing alone will not flush out all the bacteria present in your mouth, use a strong mouth wash and rinse thoroughly. Aloe vera juice used as a mouthwash is also effective in preventing bad breath.

Parsley is a natural breath freshner when chewed and easy to grow at home.  Chewing parsley will sweeten your breath and help avoid drying your mouth.   Eating natural yogurt or chewing sugarless gum can also reduce bad breath.

Eat crisp fruits and vegetables like apples, celery, cucumber and carrots to clean your mouth naturally.

Other causes of chronic bad breath may be diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, sinusitis, tonsillitis, gastroesophageal and reflux disorder among others.  However, if your bad breath is caused by gum diseases or other infections, see a dentist who will treat common oral diseases more effectively.

Remember that most of the bacteria causing bad breath are not on the teeth but located on the cheeks, tongue, and the gum line.  The most important part of your oral hygiene is to develop a plan and work at it, and you will succeed in keeping your mouth smelling fresh all the time!

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