
The place of relationships among Christian youth (2)

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Those who get into relationships with the aim of marrying one day need to follow God-given guidelines so that their union is a blessing before God, parents and the Church. When someone has expressed interest in you and wants to enter in a relationship that will end up in marriage, seek advice from a spiritually strong person to help you because the decision you are about to make is a serious one.

In the Bible, God has laid down the best way to enter marriage. This has been repeated four times in Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Mark 10: 7, Ephesians 5: 31.

Genesis 2:24 says that; “Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh”. Note that this verse has three parts: TO LEAVE, TO CLEAVE and TO BECOME ONE FLESH.

The six tests of love

The sharing test

Real love wants to share, to give and to reach out; 1 John 3: 10-16

It thinks of the other one not of itself 1 Corinthians 13: 1


The strength test

Real love should not take away your strength; instead it should give you new energy and strength. It should fill you with joy and make you creative, willing to accomplish even more.


The respect test

There is no real love without respect, without being able to look up to your partner.

The habit test

Love accepts the other one with his habits. You must accept the other one as he or she is including his / her habits and short comings.


The  quarrel test

Are you able to forgive each other and to give in to each other? Are you able to be reconciled to each other after a quarrel? If there is real love between two people, they should be able to argue and work out their differences constructively.


The time test

It is good to see each other not only on holidays and in Sunday clothes, but also at work, in daily/ regular clothes like T-shirts, with hair that needs a wash and set, in stress and in anger. Do you know each other long enough?

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