
‘Beauty questions answered’

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Question: Lucy, my hands have aged faster than my face. They are wrinkled and look undesirable. Could you please help me by giving more details on how to take care of them so that they are soft and beautiful?



Answer:     Chrissy, the skin on your hands is very delicate. Since they are always in direct contact with drying elements like detergents, hot water, harsh sun and others, they age quickly, sag and look rough and chapped. Most times, we are so busy looking after our faces, we forget our hands!

Although facial skin will not always reveal your age, your hands can sometimes look a few years older than they should. Therefore, every time you wash your hands or do some intense manual labour, massage them with vegetable oil, Olive oil or Vaseline petroleum jelly. Before going to bed at night, a blend of lemon juice and rose water mixed with fresh butter or glycerine will make your hands smooth and soft

 Cucumbers are also known for their smoothening characteristics. Blend and massage on your hands then leave on for 10 minutes or longer. Investing in good quality hand creams, exfoliating your hands and using sun screen will help even out skin tone and protect them against the damaging effects of the sun.


Question: Lucy, is it alright to go to bed with make-up on my face?


Answer:  Going to bed at night with make-up on is a no, no.  Don’t go to bed with a dirty face, you only attract trouble! Most breakouts or face problems are caused due to clogged pores; therefore, if you want to have a clear and beautiful complexion, ensure that you have a clean face when you go to bed at night. 

The CTM formula of cleanse, tone and moisturise should be your best friend.  When it feels like a huge chore or you are too tired to wash off your make-up, try using pads or wipes such as Ponds, Nivea or Icare, but going to bed with make-up isn’t good for your face or your pillow.

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