
‘Your questions answered’

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Question: I have dark wrinkled skin on my inner thighs, which makes me so self conscious. I also have pimples and black spots on my face. What should I do? —Maria

Answer: Walking or any activity that requires skin repeatedly rubbing against skin can cause irritation, friction, open sores, or even blisters. Prevent perspiration and friction between the thighs by dusting on some talcum or baby powder. Vaseline, Vita-E lotion, Cocoa butter lotion, Aloe Vera lotion, will soften your skin and enable it to breathe properly. Wear clean, dry clothes that fit well and wear spandex or cycling shorts underneath your normal clothes. Heavily built people are more prone to chafing of the thighs due to fat deposits that lie in these specific areas, therefore consider losing weight.

Question: I have black spots on my face especially on my forehead, cheeks and nose, and they make me feel bad about myself, please help me with what I should use without losing my dark complexion.—Judy

Answer: Follow the three step formula of cleanse, tone and moisturize. The advantages of this process is to prevent and reduce skin problems, and also give you a clean and glowing complexion.

Sunscreen is often overlooked but believe me, it is vital for any skin type in preventing recurring of black spots before any prolonged sun exposure. Try any sunscreen lotion available on the market with SPF of 50 and above. To lighten your dark patches, try using fade creams like Clear Essence, Ambi Even Tone cream, or Ultra Glow which has recommended hydroquinone of 1-2 percent which will reduce dark marks over time. You can also try using aspirin made into a paste with either milk or lemon juice. Scrub your skin with this and leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Remember to apply the sun block on your hands and neck as these are areas that are often forgotten, but show the signs of ageing faster.

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