
Early pregnancy symptoms

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Question: I am a 28 year old lady in a stable relationship. My boyfriend and I always use protection when we get intimate, however, for the past few weeks, I have been experiencing strange symptoms which have led me to suspect that I could be pregnant. My period is due in about 13 days, but I have heard that pregnancy symptoms present themselves even before this. What are they? Please help!

Answer: The best thing you can do at this stage is to wait until your period comes (or until you miss it) as home pregnancy tests are usually not made to detect pregnancy at a very early stage. Signs, however, have been known to appear immediately after conception. Here a few you might want to look out for:

Swollen, tender, or sore breasts and/ or nipples – Often this is the first physical sign of pregnancy.

Fatigue or unusual tiredness – Early pregnancy is time when a woman’s body is working very hard to keep up with the changes that occur. This means increased hormone production, as well as the fact that the heart is pumping harder and faster due to the escalation of blood flow – necessary to bring nutrients to the growing foetus. .

Light bleeding and/or cramping – The most common reason for light bleeding during early pregnancy is implantation. Cramping that is similar to menstrual cramps occurs very early during pregnancy and happens when the uterus begins to expand to make room for the embryo to develop into a foetus.

Morning sickness – Nausea during pregnancy can occur with or without vomiting. While morning sickness is most common between weeks four and eight during pregnancy, many women experience this symptom beginning about two weeks from their date of conception.

Frequent urination; caused  by the growing uterus.

The simple fact is that each pregnancy, just like each newborn, is different. So, don’t count on having the same symptoms or the same intensity of symptoms during consecutive pregnancies.—www.

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