
‘Show off your feet this summer’

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We have talked about almost everything that will help you survive the problems that come with summer….dull skin, damaged hair, too much sweating….but summer is also sandal season.  Have you made sure that your feet are polished to perfection so that you can step out with confidence?

Anybody can have soft feet with just a little extra care on a daily basis. Most feet problems are caused because of neglect and almost no maintenance of your feet. Scrubbing your feet everyday with body scrub or a blend of natural exfoliating sugar crystals that slough away dead skin cells will help revitalise rough, dehydrated feet and reveal soft and smooth feet. 

Soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm soapy water to which salt has been added.  Remove and rub your toenails with a toenail brush to get rid of dead skin cells and surface impurities. It is necessary to give your toenails a break from polishing sometimes to keep them healthy; instead, just paint them with clear varnish.

Alternatively, add a shampoo to warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. This will improve the texture of your toenails.

To keep your feet from drying out, moisturise the feet once or twice a day, especially around the heels and sides of the foot with a heavy lotion or oil such as Vaseline, Cocoa butter or Almond oil.  Lotions are extremely important in maintaining proper hydration of your skin and make your skin feel soft and look beautiful. Applying your moisturiser immediately after a shower, bath or after soaking your feet will help the cream absorb better into your skin.

For cracked heels, try mixing a few drops of lemon juice in Vaseline and apply gently. Do this every day before going to bed, or add some baby oil or moisturising lotion to warm water, soak the feet, pat them dry, pumice gently to remove nasty calluses and hard skin on the heal area.  This is very important as it prevents your skin from sore cracking and keep your skin soft and smooth.

Your toenails should always be cut straight across. Long toenails look terrible and make you look untidy.  After cutting them, shape them with an emery board.  It’s easier to file hard nails, so shape them before your shower.  Trim them a nice even shape, and you are sure to be the envy of all your friends this summer holiday!

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