
Handling financial matters (Part II)

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Last week, I touched upon how financial matters present one of the most challenging aspects of marriage.

What do you do when going through tough times as a family? As I pointed out last week, a wife should show the husband that she is always by his side even through financial hardships.

There are other men who are idle and do not bring their income home. These are usually dependent on their wife’s financial input. This actually compromises their own self respect and degrades their authority accorded to them by God over their wives.

The husband is expected to provide the basics of life for his family and make big purchases for them. The wife is there to help the husband in all his endeavours. This does not limit the wife from contributing to the effective running of the family. It simply means that the man should be in the leading role. The couple should work in order to help the smooth running of their family. Other responsibilities come second in priority.

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