
‘Love is action’

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Love in Action is a religious organisation that takes a holistic approach in issues that affect people. JAMES CHIMPWEYA had a chat with operations director of the organisation, Reverend Stanley Mateya, who shed more light on what Love in Action is all about.

When and why was the organisation established?

The organisation was established last year. Its objective is to reach out to people in rural areas with the word of God. We preach the risen Christ to communities in both rural and urban areas, but our main focus are rural areas.

What exactly do you do?

When we visit a community, we preach God’s word and identify people’s problems. Our main area of focus is water and sanitation. Specifically, we seek to promote access to clean water. We provide boreholes if we find that people have to travel long distances to access water. We also deal with issues of education and health.

Where is the organisation based?

Currently, our base is Bangula in Nsanje where we run the Calvary Feeding Centre. At the centre, we have 140 vulnerable children, some of whom are in secondary, primary and nursery schools. We also have 30 elderly people.

Who are your partners in running the organisation?

We are working in partnership with our friends from America called Maranatha Salibsury under John Eastwood. Through this partnership, we have drilled over 12 boreholes in various areas such as Lunzu in Blantyre, Nsanje, Chikhwawa and Mozambique.

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