
“Home remedies for dark spots”

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Whether the dark spots on your face or body may have been caused by a chemical reaction due to using the wrong cosmetics, pimples, pigmentation, blisters, warts, excessive exposure to sunlight, or hormonal imbalances; home remedies are perhaps one of the longest, inexpensive and safe standing traditions in the world that have been handed over centuries, through generations.

Believe me, home remedies do work and used over a long period of time, they will give your skin a more even tone.  Use of these home remedies will help you avoid putting harsh chemicals on your face.  Remember that your face is one of the most sensitive parts of your body.

Citruses such as oranges, lemons, and limes are rich in vitamin C which is a natural bleaching agent.  Of all citrus fruits, however, lemon is considered the most effective home remedy for facial dark spots.  The citric acid in lemon juice will work to bleach the spots and clarify your skin.

You can also mix lemon juice with various vegetables and fruit masks such as cucumbers and apricots. Parsley juice mixed with lemon, orange and red currant juices mixed with your favourite moisturising cream will help lighten your dark spots.

Milk and honey also make a good natural remedy for treating dark spots.  Like lemon, you can use these two as is, or with other ingredients.  Use either sour milk, or buttermilk which both contain lactic acid.  This acid in milk has a gentle peeling effect which lightens skin without irritating it.

Honey, on the other hand has several skin renewing properties.  It may be heated and applied alone, or mixed with wheat germ for more lightening effect.

Blend honey and yoghurt together to create a natural bleach that will lighten age spots faster.  Mix one teaspoon of each, apply to the dark spots and let it dry for 30 minutes or more, then rinse off. Apply once a day and you should see results within two weeks.

Aloe Vera plant extracts comprise of different vitamins and minerals beneficial to skin as compared to creams or lotions that contains Aloe Vera extracts.  Aloe Vera will provide your skin with the required vitamin E and C.  Aloe Vera extracts applied on the skin also acts as a natural skin defense mechanism.  It has healing effect on skin affected by cuts, bruises, or burns.  Aloe Vera juice is healthy drink to flush toxins in your system and aid digestion, hence helps skin look healthy and young.

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