A new church stamps its feet in Blantyre

A few kilometres from Limbe Market to Federation Houses in Blantyre, a new Church—Grace and Miracle—has established its headquarters. Our reporter WATIPASO MZUNGU JNR finds out from one of Grace and Miracle pastors, Mavuto Munthali, on the foundations and pillars of the church.
What is the background of this church?
Grace and Miracle Church started as a ministry in Manase some 10 years ago. The founder of this church is Brenda Mpaso. Formerly, she was a Living Waters Church (LWC) member. However, circumstances drove her to form a ministry, which has grown into a church today. All along, we have been meeting at Manase for Sunday services and other special events. However, it is this year that we decided to buy land and build structures here at Kanjedza.
What circumstances led Mpaso to form the church?
What happened is that she stayed in marriage for some years without conceiving. In her search for God’s intervention, she started praying even harder than before. However, before He answered her prayer [for a child], God started using her to heal the sick. All this time, she had continued to be a member of LWC. But when the number of people that came to her house for assistance grew, a decision was made that a separate ministry be formed. This is how Grace and Miracle Ministries was formed to signify God’s work through Mrs. Mpaso.
Had God finally given her the children she had been praying for?
Yes! As we are talking today, Mrs. Mpaso is a proud mother of four. God does not fail.
But why did she have to leave LWC as if the former church was behind her misfortunes?
There was nothing really that made her leave LWC. In fact, she could have loved to stay on. But as I already indicated to you, the ministry has been growing steadily and members thought it was necessary to establish a new church altogether.
We believe that God had set her life for a purpose. Thus, as long as she is serving the Lord who called her, there is nothing wrong to leave one’s church to found a new ministry or church. You are simply responding to God’s call to serve Him.
How many members does the church have?
Without counting in those who attend Grace and Miracle Ministry, we are 200.
I have also noted that most church founders come from cities and towns. Would I be wrong to conclude that your motive is to earn a living and not necessarily to serve the Lord?
No, you are not wrong! But one thing you need to know is that different ministries are born for different reasons. There are some ministries which can best be described as ‘man-made’ while others are born for a call. Normally, the motive of man-made churches or ministries is to make ends meet for founders. People can easily separate them by observing the actions of the founders to see whether they are driven by money or service. Come and attend one of our services and you will make your own conclusions about Grace and Miracle Church.