
Accept your spouse as they are

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Some people have a great capacity for accepting others. They are calm and easy going by nature. Helped by their sense of inner security and their high tolerance level, they have real feelings of self-worth.

Acceptance between a husband and a wife can prove to be even more difficult if one or both of them do not possess a charitable nature. Husband and wife must interact in an accepting manner on a day to day basis.

We should realise that we cannot feel accepting towards our mate all the time. Some behaviours such as drinking, smoking, swearing, laziness, dishonesty; may always remain unacceptable to some. Real people will have real feelings of acceptance and unacceptance towards their spouses during the course of married life. High levels of tolerance are a must.

In marriage, there are dozens of human differences with which we must learn to live. Whether it is a matter of promptness, church attendance, manner of speech or personal preferences of any kind, through prayer and practice, we can learn to raise our tolerance levels and accept basic differences in individuals.

One of the common forms of unacceptance is nagging. Proverbs 27:15 says a quarrelsome wife is like constant dripping on a rainy day. Nagging is by no means entirely a feminine fault. There are many breeds of men on intelligent levels who are in the art of nagging. Male complaints usually centre on sloppy housekeeping, jealousy, spending habits, sex denial as a form of punishment, moodiness, perfection and silence treatment.

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