Rise and Shine

Becoming a high performer – Part 2

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Last week, we listed five of the attributes that you can develop if you are to become high potential person – the need to have hunger for success, hatred of failure, need for becoming hard-working, being prompt and innovative. Today we continue with another set of five attributes, making a total of ten best practices that you can master in order to become highly sought after and highly respected in your field of practice.

6. Follow through

In whatever you do, to be successful, you have to work with and depend on actions of others. Through innovation, you will come up with brilliant ideas which may need to be implemented by others or through the support of others. When you engage other people to take action, you cannot just leave the delivery of those actions at the mercy of their generosity. You have to follow up and follow through all the way until the action is delivered and completed. Master the art of following through. But be cautious not to become nagging. You need to balance this appropriately and be polite and empathetic with people as you follow through.

7. Networking

For you to be high potential and greatly driven, you need to continuously expand your network of people. Include in the list some important, successful and powerful people. Do not network in a fashion where you think these big people will become your friends out of mercy or simply to help you. Network on the basis of a platform where you also bring value to them. You don’t always need to bring tangible, physical things. It may be as simple as valuable ideas or suggestions. It may be that you are fun talking to and many more such simple by effective value adding attributes.

8. Avoid personality issues

As much as you can manage, avoid discussing personality issues. Keep that to the bare minimum. Focus on ideas, issues, challenges, innovation and such like things. In fact, Eleanor Rossevelt, who was an American First Lady from 1933 to 1945 once said: ‘Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, simple minds discuss people´. And so, to become great potential, we too need to continuously be conscious that we should discuss ideas rather than just events or people. We should keep people and event discussions to a bare minimum.

9. Rapport with people

We cannot go far in life unless we have good rapport with people. Are you a person that most people end up liking? Do you get people to do things for you because they like you or because they fear you? Galvanise a respect in people for you. Let them like and respect you. Be humble and polite when dealing with people. And if you do this all the time, you will be on the road to success.

10. Effective Communication

If you have not yet learnt this, acquire effective communication skills. You have to master the art of communicating effectively both orally as well as in written form. The good news is that to be an effective communicator, you do not have to master jargon, use big words or craft complicated statements. In fact, good communication is the opposite – simple words, short sentences and clear structure of your ideas. Listen to and read works of good and tested communicators.

In summary, anyone can become a high potential and greatly driven person. Over the last two weeks, we have dwelt on high potential and greatly driven people. This has included ten hints and tips on how you too can become high potential and greatly driven talent. All the best as you rise and shine!

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