Business News

Blantyre woman win pickup in promotion

Colgate Palmolive on Friday conducted the final draw of the Kutakata ndi Protex Promotion in Blantyre where Ruth Kaperemera won one of the grand prize of Honda pickups.

Speaking after the draw at Chipiku Plus in Blantyre, Colgate Palmolive customer development team leader for Malawi and Zimbabwe Emily Jere said the promotion was aimed at rewarding loyal customers.

One of the grand prizes of the promotion

She said: “We had two pickups where one has been won by a Blantyre-based woman and we will conduct another draw in Lilongwe.

“Customers should expect more exciting promotions as well as discounts during this period when prices of commodities are going up due to global economic challenges.”

In an interview, Kaperemera said he was excited about the prize.

“When I received a phone call about the news, I thought it was a hoax, but I am glad I have emerged as the grand prize winner,” she said.

During the promotion, Colgate Palmolive dished out prizes ranging from T-shirts and other products.

To enter the promotion that run from March 31 to May 7, customers were supposed to buy three 150 grammes tablets of Protex at any Chikupu shop.

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