
Books for culture, history

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The Malawi Union for Academic and Non-fiction Authors (Muana) has embarked on a five-year project aimed at publishing secondary school textbooks which will specifically promote the country’s culture and history. TEMWANI MGUNDA caught up with Muana secretary general NDONGOLERA MWANGUPILI to find out more about the project and other related matters. Excerpts…


Mwangupili: Muana is not a casual organisation


: Briefly, what is the school books project all about?


: First and foremost, the project is not solely a Muana affair. There are several partners involved. The steering committee is chaired by Copyright Society of Malawi (Cosoma) as the project manager with Muana, Book Publishers Association of Malawi (Bpam) and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology as implementing partners. Kopinor, a sister organisation of Cosoma from Norway, provides technical and financial support. Each of these partners has a member in the steering committee. Max Iphani, Muana president, represents the interests of Muana in the committee. The project is in its initial stage leading to development of resource books in English, Chichewa, History, Geography and Agriculture.



: What criterion was used to select the five subjects in line with promotion of Malawi’s culture and history?


: One has to understand that Norway comes from the background of being under the influence of Denmark. From that background, they promote their culture and history as a way of discovering their identity. They could, therefore, want to see other countries also promote their culture and history. You would agree with me that Norway has supported projects in such promotions in Malawi before. As already alluded to, Kopinor is a Norwegian organisation and would fall within the same values. And, definitely, the aforementioned subjects would promote Malawian culture and history. I see you asking how agriculture can promote that. By promoting Malawian ways of farming, we are definitely promoting Malawian culture. Likely, the resource books in agriculture would not talk about wheat growing in Canada or cocoa growing in Ghana. But, rather, talk of what is grown in Malawi. A total of 10 books (two on each of the five subjects with one for junior secondary school and the other for senior) are set to be developed, targeting 120 community day secondary schools nationwide.



: How will the project benefit Muana or its members in general?


: The project targets Muana members as authors and Bpam members as publishers. It is the expectation of Muana that its membership would benefit through the trainings and also by becoming authors of the resource books in the selected subjects. It should also be known that Muana has received special funding from Norwegian Non-fiction Writers and Translators Association [abbreviated as NFF in their local language]. This fund is for a Writers Grant Scheme meant to fund writers in book projects associated with this book development project. Very soon Muana will announce mode of application and criteria of selection. Muana writers are to apply and be funded to research and write towards their individual book projects. Essentially, the writers have to first be commissioned by Bpam member publishers to write books within the perimeters of this project. Now you can see how multifaceted are the benefits being a Muana member, particularly, looking at this project. The impact of the project goes beyond. For instance, if I am trained to write textbooks of good quality, it means the skills would be used in all other book projects I would undertake. That capacity built in me will never be taken away from me.



: You are conducting trainings for book publishers and authors specifically for this project. Why is that important?


: For the project to be a success, Muana and Bpam members have to own it. Authors and publishers are crucial in the success of the project. A publisher and an author ought to look at each other as partners in a book project. Let their efforts and stamina be put in book development rather than fighting on trivial misunderstandings. However, at a later stage, special trainings will be held separately—for writers only and also for publishers only.



: Briefly, what is Muana all about?


: Muana is an organisation specifically for academic and non-fiction authors. It was founded to guide the promotion of non-fiction and academic writing and publication in the country. There was observed weak research and publication, weak enforcement of intellectual property rights, among others, before the founding of Muana. Therefore, it is only through Muana that non-fiction and academic writing can be promoted and protected in Malawi. Membership fee, currently, is at K15 000 per year and we have a membership of 73 authors, drawn mainly from the academia and education institutions of different levels. We value a would-be member to be published or with a manuscript. One has to showcase some readily-available work, published or not published. We don’t look at ourselves as a casual organisation. The membership itself has highly respected individuals who cannot just be taken for a ride. It is an organisation of professionals.



: Any success stories to share?


: We have conducted trainings in textbook writing, project proposal writing and language translation for members. As an organisation, we also offer services in editing/proofreading, translation in almost all local languages and also offer trainings in translation and communication. We look forward to being solicited by individuals or institutions for such services. n

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