Campaign urges people to eat six food groups
Inspiral, a social media marketing firm, has launched a campaign dubbed Ndine Dolo to encourage people in Dedza District to eat six food groups to enhance their nutrition status.
Speaking on the sidelines of the launch on Friday at Kalilombe Primary School, the firm’s lead consultant Mackion Mpukusa Phiri said they will run the campaign in traditional authorities (T/As) Kamenyagwaza, Kasumbu and Tambala.
He said Self Help Africa is implementing the Food and Nutrition Security Programme with funding from GIZ to encourage mothers to feed their under-five children eggs and milk.

“Eggs have high nutritious value and can easily be found within their localities. We, therefore, want to address misconceptions that discourage people from giving children eggs,” said Phiri.
Dedza District Council director of planning and development McPherson Mwakhwawa said malnutrition was a serious issue in the district. He cited lack of food diversification as one of the major factors.
He said: “We need to diversify food for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers as well as children.
“At the end of the project, we expect an improvement in the nutrition status not only to the targeted individuals but also other communities.”
T/A Kamenyagwaza said as chiefs they joined the campaign and will take the messages to their communities.
“For some time, communities have held misconceptions that expectant mothers should not eat eggs or they will give birth to bald children,” he said.