
Celebrating the saviour

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As we approach Christmas, I find it important to remind ourselves what this season is all about. I am therefore dedicating this article to the birth of the most important person in our lives, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you know that Christmas is prophetic – announcing the coming of the Saviour! Jesus was born for a purpose, to be a Saviour and the King of Universe. The conversation between Pilate and Jesus in John 18:37 attests to this fact. ‘When Pilate asked Jesus if He was a King, Jesus answered ‘You say rightly that I am King. For this reason, I was born that I should bear witness to the truth!’ So Jesus is not just a little baby born in a manger, He IS King of Kings – may you and I never forget this. So, what does a Saviour do? He saves and delivers – literally! No other leader has the power and capacity to save our souls. My mother cannot save me. Neither can my pastor etc. In fact ALL Leaders, no matter how much authority they wield, cannot save my soul. Only Jesus can. Christmas is a manifestation of the Saviour’s authority and therefore so special to me.

Celebrating Christ’s birth is more than seeing Santa Claus with his sledges singing ho! ho! It’s more than cards, presents, tree-decorating and ‘happy holidays’. It is about celebrating my deliverance.

Where is Jesus in your Christmas plans? Would your family describe Christmas in terms of presents, alcohol-led parties, late nights and going to the lake? There will be ‘Christmas’ events, ‘Christmas’ parties, ‘Christmas’ bashes, – but sadly, if we were to ask where Jesus is in all this, we find that He has just been sidelined on the bench or is outside knocking that He may come in. May you have quiet reflective moments and proudly hail Jesus as the reason for the season.

So whether you are planning this season, give honour to whom honour is due and exalt Him amidst all your ‘enjoyments’! May He be the esteemed guest of Honour at every ‘do’ you have.

Have a Jesus festive season! May you allow your life to become a ‘Bethlehem’ for the Son of God. n

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