National News

Chakwera outlines vision for Malawi

Chakwera at Kasungu rally
Chakwera at Kasungu rally

Newly elected Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president the Reverend Lazarus Chakwera has said his vision is to restore Malawi’s lost dignity that has for years reduced the country to a begging nation due to lack of strategic direction.

Addressing his first rally at Ntchalachala in Kasungu on Sunday barely a week after succeeding former party president John Tembo, Chakwera challenged Malawians that for this country to develop and move forward, everything has to start with Malawians themselves.

He also said developing Malawi is not about praising party leaders through songs, but that all praises should go to the political parties and Malawi as a nation.

Said Chakwera: “The new vision and direction is to transform Malawian lives in all sectors. It is sad that even in the Sadc region, we are the least developed country but we want by 2020 this country should be able to create a middle income society.”

Chakwera was accompanied to the rally by Tembo and four of the other losing presidential aspirants during the party’s convention last week. The losing aspirants present included former Chief Justice Lovemore Munlo, former Farmers Union of Malawi president Felix Jumbe, Member of Parliament Watson Makala Ngozo and former Cabinet minister Jodder Kanjere.

He stressed that his leadership is set to bring both the MCP and Malawi as a nation back on track to realise its dreams and vision.

He said in the last years, Malawi has had brilliant plans such as the Vision 2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but all these have failed to bear fruits because of lack of visionary leadership and proper direction.

Chakwera also said the other major problem with the country’s development path is that each administration comes with its own programmes and plans instead of having a national development plan that could be followed by each and every administration.

He said Malawi needs a common national vision and agenda if it is to move forward and develop.

“It is now fifty years since independence but nothing much has been done in terms of development. At times we have signs that things are moving only to realise that we are back from where we started. Why is that the case? This is the question that all of us have to answer,” said Chakwera.

He said one of his visions is to transform agriculture to make it into business and enhance agri-based exports, bring equity to the education sector so that both girls and boys as well as people in rural and urban areas have equal access to education, revamp the health sector and that people should be able to freely do business that can bring them money.

On his party leadership, Chakwera said the new MCP offers hope to the people that have been looking for leadership that is selfless and that would be servant leadership.

He said: “We would not want to portray that we are leaders to be served but leaders who are ready to provide service and direction so that everyone knows where we are going; and where we would want to be.”


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