National News

Chitipa, Rumphi communities petition govt over mining concerns

Some communities in Nthalire, Chitipa, and Kaziwiziwi in Rumphi have petitioned their district commissioners to act on a number of issues bordering on mining activities happening in their areas.

In a letter dated September 24 2013 addressed to Chitipa DC signed by religious leaders and members of Community Action Group (CAG), people of Nthalire are complaining about increased mining operations in the area but were not informed about the activities.

“Many people have only become aware of the mining activities by seeing strange people with big vehicles, drilling machines and collecting samples but the communities do not know what will come next,” reads the letter in part.

On the other hand, communities in Kaziwiziwi also petitioned their DC regarding the “deplorable and inhuman working conditions that local workers are subjected to at Kaziwiziwi Coal Mine.”

Director of development and planning for Rumphi Frank Mkandawire said there was a misunderstanding between the two parties because of misinformation that emanated from lack of dialogue.

DC for Chitipa Grace Chirwa said she received the letter and they dealing with the concerns.

In both districts, the Justice and Peace Desk of Karonga Diocese is implementing an advocacy project with funding from Norwegian Church Aid.

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