Have some GUTS
What is it that is hard for you to do but which would make a huge positive difference at work if you did? The bottom line is, it takes GUTS to have the kind of work-life you want. Here are some tips on some simple things you can do but which surprisingly many people do not do.
Good Use of Time Strategy: Delivering work is not always the same as adding value. Don’t be just a workhorse. Have a filter for determining what’s best to spend your time on. To use time well think about the ‘in between’ times not just in blocks of ‘hours’. Use even the 10 minutes here, five minutes there because not everything needs 30 minutes or more.
Grow Under The Stress: When stress comes, please don’t complain or ‘disintegrate’. Stress will come every now and then especially if you work in a fast paced or challenging job or environment. When one day is stressful, don’t come back the next day and relive it. Let each day’s stress end with it.
Get Under The Surface: Of the organisation. Workplaces are complex spaces and to do well you’ll have to get past the first impressions especially to understand its strengths and to know what makes the people who manage it tick. What would you say are your organisation’s strengths? How can you help build these strengths even further? Get beneath the surface and appreciate what keeps it going and how you can become a part of the team that builds, enriches and does well.
Give Up The SANDbox: When we think about peer pressure, we think about teenagers. But there is a lot of peer pressure or group behaviour in the workplace which unfortunately tends to be negative. By SAND, I mean avoid any Silliness, Awkwardness, Nonsense and the Drama that can get in the way of you doing as decent day’s work or keeping positive. Make up your mind, be your own person and walk away from any
Now take action: What one thing do you need guts to do? What will you do about it?