National News

Communities hail sanitation project

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Communities around Khuwi Health Centre in Ntchisi District have commended WaterAid Malawi for constructing placenta and ash pits as well as installing water tanks at the facility.

Speaking on Tuesday during a media tour to appreciate the organisation’s water, sanitation and hygiene (Wash) interventions in the district, group village head Khuwi said the placenta and ash pits will promote hygiene at the health centre.

Health promotion talks underway at Khuwi Health
Centre in Ntchisi

He said the pits have helped communities to change their traditional belief that when a woman gives birth at a health facility, their placentas are used for rituals.

“We now see many women give birth at the facility and communities are encouraging pregnant women to utilise the health facility,” said Khuwi.

The chief said many pregnant previously women delivered with the assistance of traditional birth attendants, which endangered their lives.

Khuwi Health Centre in-charge Joy Ngulube said they now have safe means of disposing of infectious materials, which will prevent the spread of disease.

WaterAid Malawi programme officer Laston Zungu said his organisation upgraded the water supply system to  promote hygiene.

WaterAid Malawi is implementing the project with funding from Wimbledon Foundation.

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