
Depo Provera as a form of contraception: all you need to know (1)

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Sure, you’ve heard of the loop, depo-provera and other forms of contraception, but you might not be aware of how they really work and the pros and cons of each method. In this serialised article, we look at each of the family planning methods available to women in depth.

Description of Depo Provera:

Depo Provera is a hormonal birth control method that contains a progestin and no estrogen. It is given by a needle once every 3 months. The Depo-Provera injection prevents pregnancy by preventing the ovarian egg cells from maturing and releasing from the ovary. If an egg does not mature and release from either ovary there is no egg to be fertilized by sperm and pregnancy cannot occur. The contraceptive shot also changes the condition of the lining of the uterus so that pregnancy is less likely to occur.

There are several serious health side effects associated with Depo-Provera (see below) and for this reason it is usually only recommended for women who cannot use other methods of contraception. Depo-Provera does not protect against any STDs, including HIV, and should be used with condoms for STD prevention.

How to Use Depo Provera:

The first injection should be given within the first few days of your menstrual cycle. It becomes effective after 24 hours, and you require an injection every 13 weeks. To avoid the possibility of missing the time window for your next shot you can plan to have shots every three months. If you do not get a shot in time you need to use a different form of birth control until you have had the shot and it becomes effective again. The contraceptive protection of the Depo-Provera shot can be stopped at any time by simply not getting the next injection; most women who become pregnant do so within 12 to 18 months after their last injection.

Failure Rates for Depo Provera:

With typical use, approximately 3 out of 100 women will become pregnant, but that number drops to 1 out of 100 women becoming pregnant with perfect use.

Where to Get Depo Provera:

Depo Provera requires a visit to your health care practitioner or public health clinic. A medical history may be taken, and the shot requires a prescription. You can get more information on Depo Provera from either your family physician or from a public health clinic.—

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