Deputy Speaker yet to be charged

The Malawi Police Service (MPS) says they have not yet charged Deputy Speaker of Parliament Jones Chingola despite summoning him last week for being found with four assault rifles at his City Printers offices in Lilongwe.
Lilongwe police spokesperson Ramsey Mushani said they will charge Chingola after investigations into the matter are concluded.
“He has not yet been charged because there are more investigations that need to be carried out. This issue is coming out today and thereafter, we will see the way forward,” said Mushani on Sunday.
There were two AK-47 rifles with 41 bullets, a Jamaican rifle with 11 ammunitions plus a pistol. He could not be arrested because he is immune when Parliament is in session.
In his defence, Chingola told The Nation that the offices where the rifles were found are rented by someone else.
“After searching my offices, the police officers also invaded those of my two tenants and it is in one of these offices where they found the guns in the ceiling,” said Chingola last week.