Driver has case to answer for obstructing Chakwera convoy
Mzuzu Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday ruled that Lusungu Chirwa, a truck driver who was arrested on Sunday for failing to stop to give way to a presidential convoy in Mzimba District, has a case to answer.
He was arrested at Kadikechi Trading Centre in Mzimba when President Lazarus Chakwera was returning to Lilongwe from Mzuzu where he attended the silver jubilee celebrations of the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi.
The State paraded two witnesses who testified against Chirwa.
Appearing before senior resident magistrate Godfrey Nyirenda, the truck driver admitted the charge and told the court that he erred in his actions.
The magistrate is scheduled to deliver the ruling today after it was postponed yesterday.
However, on Monday, Nyirenda fined the truck driver K150 000 or in default serve 12 months in jail for driving without a licence.
Chirwa, who was driving a truck registration MZ67/NA5057 belonging to Nangaunozge Transport, failed to stop despite orders from three different police officers to pave the way for the convoy.