Employers urge govt to fast-track review of Act
Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (Ecam) has urged government to fast-track the review of Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Act of 1997 to ensure employees are fully protected in the workplace.
Speaking on Wednesday during a master class for occupational safety health in Blantyre, Ecam executive director George Khaki said regulatory frameworks and policies the country has are not adequate as legislation is over 20 years.

He said: “Some employers are not aware of what they are supposed to be doing and they fail to meet standards in ensuring that workers have a safe environment.
“We want the revision of the current laws and policies to be fast-tracked.”
A workplace inspection survey which the Ministry of Labour conducted in 746 workplaces last year showed that 84 percent do not have any programme to effectively identify and manage occupational hazards and risks.
Ministry of Labour acting director of occupational safety and health Goodluck Kayange said government is almost done with the technical review of the Act.
He said: “Everyone should be concerned that our laws are outdated and need to be reviewed. You can imagine the changes which have occurred over the years.
“Right now, the technical review is almost through, what is remaining is for us to come up with a proposed bill and then submit it to Parliament.”
Kayange said the ministry is also developing the National Occupational Safety and Health Policy having ratified the International Labour Organisation convention on health.