Fawema tackles school dropout rate in Lilongwe
Education authorities in Lilongwe District have commended Forum for African Women Educationalists in Malawi (Fawema) for implementing a sexual and reproductive health project to reduce school dropout rate among girls.
Speaking on Saturday after a quiz at Malingunde Primary School, Malingunde Zone primary education adviser Gabriella Paliani said the project has reversed the school dropout rate due to pregnancies and early marriages.
“Since Fawema started implementing the Innovations in Health Rights and Development [iHeard] project in Malingunde Zone, girls who were dropping out in senior classes are now completing their education due to sexual and reproductive health information they get through their clubs in schools,” she said.
Malingunde Primary School iHeard Club secretary Esmey Njoka said they discuss the dangers of child marriages and teen pregnancies.
“We discuss the importance of remaining in school. Through our clubs and competitions, we also share experiences with learners from other schools,” she said.
Fawema iHeard project officer Loyce Tembo said they disseminate sexual and reproductive health messages through clubs in schools.
She said: “We engage boys and girls through their clubs to ensure they know about sexual and reproductive health services to prevent unplanned pregnancies which lead to school dropout.
“We want them to acquire skills where they can counter challenges they face in schools.”
Fawema is among a consortium of nine organisations implementing a five-year project with funding from Global Affairs Canada.
The iHeard project seeks to reduce school dropout cases due to pregnancies and child marriages through establishment of clubs in schools where learners share sexual and reproductive health information.
The organisation is working with 43 schools in Dowa, Ntchisi and Lilongwe districts.