Business News

First consignment of digital migration in

People captured watching a news broadcast on television
People captured watching a news broadcast on television

As Malawi is preparing to move from analogue to digital broadcasting, on Tuesday the first consignment of the digital migration equipment arrived in the country through the Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe.

The equipment which is worth $1.7 million (K678.7 million) includes computer software as well as the hardware gadgets.

Ministry of Information’s Digital Migration Coordinator  Denis Chirwa said, this is the first consignment and seven more are yet to come over.

He said the equipment has been bought by the government and is ready for installation in seven days.

Said Chirwa:  “The equipment has been bought from China by the Republic of Malawi and experts will start installing the equipment in seven days.

“We are supposed to start installing the equipment in Lilongwe where Television operators will get their digital signals which will act as the main source and it will be sub headed by Blantyre.”

He added that Lilongwe was chosen to be the main source because it is in the centre.

He said experts from China as well as Malawi will do the installation which will take a period of four weeks.

“We have hired experts from China (Huawei technologies) who will do the installation together with Malawian experts.

“We are hoping that after the installation has started, the network will be ready for use in four weeks and Malawians with television sets are required to buy a set top box (STB) which will enable them receive the digital signals in their respective televisions,” he said.

Chirwa said when Malawi migrates from analogue to digital broadcasting, coverage will be for all television stations and viewers will have a choice to choose which channel to watch.—Mana

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