Gears For Careers

G4C 142 Define your level by your responsibility

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Big titles have their place in career advancement. But titles can also be meaningless if they do not match what you actually do. Why don’t you let more responsibility show what you are made of? Here’s why;

Responsibility is a real validator:

Rather than pin after a title and not lift a finger, seek more responsibility; because when you do more and do it well, it shows what you are worth. Don’t let the absence of an official title stand in your way of doing great work.

Big responsibility grows you:

When you ask to do more, don’t go after more of what you are already doing at your level. Go for what will shine your strengths develop you intellectually and enable you create opportunity professionally.

You can afford to experiment:

You can create and experiment without the fear of failure. You can find ways to be productive, active and shape things as you develop solutions for what you have taken on. You can look at the world a little differently and even negotiate for adequate time to apply new learning derived from your experimentation.

You have the courage to be creative:

In most environments you need courage to be different, to be comfortable with what you want or to stand and seek the advantages and opportunities that make you feel empowered. Be courageous enough to create something you believe in and ready to go out on a limb for. Don’t sit on the fence waiting for your next big thing.

Higher responsibility can recharge you:

Especially if you feel frozen on one level for a long time. Embracing new responsibility could help you shake the lethargy and move yourself away from your current unproductive situation towards getting involved in something more exciting. Get cracking on doing something different especially if you are bored and have been for a long time. Your situation won’t go away till you act to make something different!

Now take action:

What one thing is holding you back from reaching your next level?

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