
Get clear, glowing skin

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Today, I would like to help answer one question which a lot of this column’s readers ask me every single day; “How do I remove black spots or deal with acne in order to get clear glowing complexion?”

A fresh, clear and radiant skin reflects the way you live and makes you feel good about yourself. Just about everyone is born with healthy, beautiful skin, but time and neglect give birth to imperfections.  Skin is the body’s screening system – it projects deficiencies in diet, sleep, exercise and skin care.  Practising good living habits has a significant effect on your skin’s physical fitness.  Getting the most out of your skin is what beauty treatments are designed to do.

There are skin-care products perfected to meet your skin’s specific characteristics and its changing needs.

The three basic skin types are dry, normal and oily.  Most dark skins are on the oily side or are a combination of several types. Oily skin handles ageing well as it seems to fight lines and wrinkles better than other skin types; but it also needs more care and must be kept clean and fresh to avoid a build-up of excessive oiliness which often leads to pimples, dull skin and the dreadful shine.

Because dry skin is fragile, the signs of aging are more prominent on it than other skin types. Therefore, gentle care and plenty of moisture protection products are crucial. Normal skin, which is also referred to as combination skin meaning it is drier on the cheeks and around the hairline and oilier at the centre of the face, needs products that are designated as normal-to-dry or normal-to-oily.

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