National News

Govt eases ‘red tape’ at MDF roadblock

Ministry of Defence has removed the requirement for hauliers of maize from other districts to Karonga to produce documentation at Chilumba Malawi Defence Force (MDF) roadblock where several metric tonnes were impounded.

However, all legume crops such soya beans, common beans, cow peas and groundnuts as well as minerals will only be allowed passage on production of CD 1 form.

Minister of Defence Harry Mkandawire said this on Monday in Karonga during a stakeholders meeting with Karonga maize and legumes vendors following complaints that intercepting maize at the roadblock was worsening the hunger situation in the district.

He said: “Ill-treatment of citizens should be stopped. Issues of corruption should be stopped and dealt with accordingly. There will be installation of closed circuit television [CCTV] camera at the checkpoint so that CCTV footage can easily be accessed in times of need.”

The minister said the road checkpoint located near Chilumba Barracks will be maintained due to its economic benefits, saying the Malawi Revenue Authority easily intercepts goods being exported illegally by either citizens or foreigners.

MDF Commander General Paul Valentino Phiri insisted that the adhoc roadblock was mounted to control illegal exportation of agricultural produce such as maize and groundnuts.

In an interview, Karonga District Concerned Citizens representative Joshua Mzembe described the meeting as a step in the right direction.

“We are thankful that maize has been allowed to pass through Chilumba Barracks adhoc roadblock. Again, we are happy that the Malawi Defence Force Commander Paul Valentino Phiri has assured us that we will see a great change,” he said.

Senior Chief Kilupula commended government for taking time to meet the concerned citizens and business community to sort out the impasse that courted controversy between the MDF and vendors.

There had been growing concerns on the conduct of MDF soldiers at Chilumba Barracks adhoc roadblock where people alleged abuses and corruption by soldiers.

Karonga-based businessperson Lyton Yusufu is currently on court bail after MDF soldiers at Chilumba Barracks arrested him.

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