National News

‘HIV prevalence rate doubles in Karonga’

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Karonga District Hospital HIV and Aids coordinator Thumbiko Munthali says HIV prevalence rate in the district has jumped from 4.5 percent in 2021 to 7.2 percent in 2022.

Speaking in an interview on Saturday, he said the development comes against a background of several interventions such as the provision of condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), voluntary male medical circumcision and prevention of mother-to-child transmission services.

Said Munthali: “The development is affecting the 95-95-95 campaign which calls for 95 percent of HIV-infected individuals to know their status, 95 percent of those who know their status to be on antiretroviral therapy [ART] and 95 percent of those on ART to have their virus load  suppressed by 2030.”

He attributed the rise in HIV cases to several factors, including traditional beliefs, cross-border businesses and young girls selling merchandise in the evening.

“We have intensified awareness campaigns in areas with high HIV prevalence rate, provision of PrEP and ART services and engaging HIV positive female sex workers,” he said.

Family Planning Association of Malawi Karonga district project coordinator Michael Gundaphiri said the situation needs concerted efforts.

“We are doing everything we can to provide sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV testing, moonlight and outreach clinics to key populations,”  said Munthali.

Karonga district peer educator Caroline Msowoya said most clients prefer not to use condoms when having sex with sex workers, which increases the risk of HIV spreading more.

“As peer educators, we distribute condoms, lubricants and other sexual reproductive health services for free. But other clients are naughty and we need civic education,” she said.

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