Hora Mountain to become tourist attraction centre
Mzimba Heritage Association (Mziha) has unveiled plans to turn Hora Mountain, in Traditional Authority Chindi in the district, into a fully equipped tourism attraction centre.
Speaking to Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday, Mziha vice-secretary Kingsley Jere said, among other things, they are going to employ a tour guide.
The revelation comes few days after Inkosi ya Makosi M’mbelwa V of Mzimba celebrated the birthday of her Majesty Inkosikazi (Queen) by climbing at the top of Hora Mountain to experience a cool breeze.
“It’s high time local and international tourists started visiting Hora Mountain without challenges. We will make the place more attractive. In turn, income can be generated from tourists. What Inkosi ya Makosi and Inkosikazi did by climbing the mountain should be a starting point,” Jere said.
Agreeing with Mziha’s plans, M’mbelwa District Council director of planning and development Precious Kantsitsi said tourism industry is one of key areas that can economically lead to transformation of Mzimba as stipulated in the M’mbelwa District Development Plan.
He added that the development is simply taking advantage of the rich cultural heritage of Mzimba and Hora Mountain as it has historical significance that every year there is Umthetho ceremony taking place at the mountain.
Kantsitsi said the cultural heritage of the Ngoni will be promoted for generations to come. He said more people will be coming to learn and appreciate the Ngoni language and culture, thereby putting Mzimba and Malawi on the map.
“There will be activities that tourists—both from within and outside the country—will be patronising at any time. Not only during Umthetho ceremony. But, most importantly, this will help to bring revenue to the council and government,” said Kantsitsi.