
How to maintain soft beautiful lips in winter

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The skin on lips lack oil glands, hence they tend to get dry and crack easily. The cold weather can damage our beautiful lips, which is why we need to give them extra care.

The first step to protecting your lips from the harmful effects of winter is by using a water resistant lip balm which contains an SPF of 15 percent or higher that will keep your puckers moist. There are hundreds of good lip balms available on the market.

To keep your lips supple, gently exfoliate and moisturise them by rubbing with lip cream using a soft toothbrush or a lip exfoliator made of one teaspoon honey mixed with one teaspoon baking soda.

Leave it on for a few minutes, then rub off, pat dry and apply olive oil or unsalted butter. Daily maintenance creams with skin exfoliating alpha-hydroxy-acids, AHA, and vitamins A and E will also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your lips.

For a relaxing, at-home boost, try mashing a quarter of a ripe papaya to a pulp.  Apply a generous amount to the lips and the skin around them. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse off and apply lip balm.

Always remember to remove your lipstick before going to bed and give your lips a touch of clear, rich moisturiser such as Vaseline or apply a thin layer of ghee or olive oil which acts as a natural protection.

To ensure that your lips are well hydrated or lubricated, drink plenty of water and avoid licking them repeatedly. Do not remove the skin of your lips with fingers as this will irritate your skin, and please make a habit of applying some lip balm to your lips before applying lipstick!

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