National News

K450bn M’Mbelwa University project stalls

Construction of the K450 billion M’Mbelwa University in Mzimba District has stalled two months after commencement of phase one of the project.

The Nation has established that there have been no works at the site for about two weeks after works for phase one started on January 2 2024.

Phase one is expected to cost K190 billion, but in the proposed 2024/25 National Budget, Treasury has allocated K500 million towards the project scheduled for completion in June 2025.

Nkuonera: First intake is next year

On what the K500 million allocation will be used for and how much has been secured from the partners to finance the project, Ministry of Education spokesperson Mphatso Nkuonera asked for more time to consult.

He also insisted that works are continuing and the ministry expects phase one of the project to be completed by the deadline.

“The plan is to have the first intake next year. So, the project is continuing,” said Nkuonera.

But in an interview yesterday, the contractor, DEC Construction Company project manager Ellard Malonda said the company is waiting for the designs for structural works; hence, there are no works taking place yet.

He said the Ministry of Transport and Public Works is supposed to carry out soil tests to determine the reinforcement to be done.

“We have done clearance and levelling of the ground, 100 percent. We are just waiting for that,” said Malonda, adding that the rains have also had an impact on the project.

However, he said DEC Construction will make up for the time lost by increasing its workforce and working long hours.

“There should be no concerns that the project will go beyond the completion time. If we can have the designs for the structural works, we will commence construction,” said Malonda.

When contacted, another contractor Paramount Holdings Limited managing director Prakash Ghedia said the Ministry of Education was better-placed to give reasons behind the stalling of the project.

In a separate interview, Civil Society Education Coalition executive director Benedicto Kondowe called on government to be serious on the project, especially on the issue of financing.

He said the country needs to know if money for the first phase of the project has been secured, arguing June 2025 is not far from now.

Kondowe feared that if no money is secured from partners, the project will not be completed.

Preparatory works for the project started in 2014. Government constructed an access road but the project later stalled in 2018.

M’Mbelwa University is one of Malawi Government’s flagship projects. The university will have a School of Animal Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, School of Basic Sciences, and School of Human Health Sciences, among others.

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