People’s Tribunal

Let them choose the Haman legacy

Dear judge Mbadwa,

Was Resetting the Moral Tone the title of your address to members of Nyasaland Legislative Assembly, my lord, which laid bare some of the reasons behind perpetuation of a corrupt system in government?

 Well, whatever you called it; I was all the same intrigued with it just as I have been fascinated by numerous other talks of note from you and other men of integrity, my lord.

Of course, they are very few of your kind, my lord, the majority belong to the compromised lot who vacillate from one corruption pillar of need to another graft post of greed depending on the popular song the corrupt are playing that time. 

My lord, forgive me if I behave like some fan of this talk. It was actually the epilogue that summed up the current scenario. When you closed your speech by asking legislators to choose the legacy they want to leave behind between that of Haman and Mordecai, you kind of throwing down the gauntlet on corruption to the Legislative Assembly.

My lord, I know a good number of them had never heard of Haman or Mordecai until that time despite subscribing to the Constitution of life through their religious belief.

If they had heard of them or had bothered to read the constitution of life from which other constitutions derive, my lord, we should not be talking about increasing cases of corruption even in the Legislative Assembly.

My lord, the Agagite Haman is the prototype of the group of people which is ready to scheme their way to the top by deviously suppressing and eliminating those loyal to the cause, the upright and ethical.

It is the Haman type, my lord, that always thinks of what they would individually benefit before they commit themselves to anything. They are driven by self-aggrandizement motives.

Mordecai, on the other hand, is an epitome of people of integrity; those who will do everything to ensure that evil does not win over good. My lord, this kind is ready to lose everything for the sake of truth and justice.

My lord, in Nyasaland, the Hamans outnumber the Mordecais! There are numerous Hamans in the civil service, the private sector, the Judiciary and almost everywhere. Some of your colleagues and mine, too, are the Haman type.

But the good thing about choosing the Haman legacy is that eventually good wins over evil because the scheming type always falls into their own traps.

Haman was executed using his own towering gallows he had prepared for Mordecai; hence, let those who think they can choose the Haman legacy think twice. God is not mocked, whatever one sows, they surely reap.

Those who are planting middlemen will reap Dobadobas and those who are sowing seeds of corruption will equally reap chivundi cha kundende.

So, let this be borne in mind as you choose the Haman legacy.


John Citizen.

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